Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Heart Over Height

Boston's "Isaiah Thomas" Doesn't Let His Height Hold Him Back.

Imagine that little boy at the playground: undersized, skinny, and too small. You can spot him out instantly in the crowd of kids his age. When the other boys fight for a jump-ball, they hold their ground. But when that short young boy fights for a jump, he flies across the pavement, scraping his tiny, fragile legs. Everyone freezes.

Within seconds, he picks out the small, bloody rocks that fill the cuts on his knees and brushes off the dirt on his extra small t-shirt. Then, that undersized kid rises from the blacktop. He grabs the ball, bounces it to his much bigger opponent, and shouts "check". In that moment, that kid that was once too small becomes the tallest kid on the court. The other kids look around and nod. Respect is earned. 

Boston Celtic's point guard, Isaiah Thomas, was once that little boy on the playground. His entire life he has been underestimated because of his height. He stands at only 5 feet 9 inches, but that hasn't held him back from accomplishing great things. 

After spending four years at Washington University, Thomas was chosen as the 60th overall pick in the 2011 NBA Draft by the Sacramento Kings. Second round wasn't too shabby for the small kid on the block. Thomas saw minutes here and there for the Kings, until he was traded to the Phoenix Suns in 2014. After playing only a short few months and suffering a few minor injuries with the Suns, Thomas was traded to Celtics in 2015. 

What. A. Trade. 

I don't think Boston knew who exactly just joined their team. Since debuting as a Celtic, Isaiah Thomas has been nothing less than unbelievable for Boston. This season, he is leading the Eastern Conference in points per game (29.7). He has lead the Celtics to a 38-21 record, placing them only three games behind the defending world champions, the Cleveland Cavaliers. 

But where he has been most impressive is in the fourth quarter of games. Thomas has a knack of taking over in the final frame to lead his team to clutch victories. He leads the NBA in points during the fourth quarter with 10.1 points. He puts the team on his back and carries them for the last 12 minutes of a game. Pretty impressive for the shortest player in the NBA.

What I find so amazing is Thomas proved all the doubters wrong. He showed the world that the kid on the play ground who was undersized, skinny, and too small could play with the big dogs. He has given all the kids hope who have been told that they are too small to pursue their dreams. 

Sure, Isaiah Thomas has had his struggles. Not every shot falls for the point guard. A lot of layups have been blocked right back into his grill. Even just a small shove can send the Celtic star flying across the floor at TD Garden. But just like that little kid on the playground, he rises from the hardwood, collects himself, and stands bigger and taller than any other player on the court. 

Even on the biggest of stages, respect is still earned. 

Isaiah Thomas reminds us all that it isn't how big you are... it's how big you play. 



  1. He is such a great player! Being the last pick in the 2011 NBA draft to potential MVP is absolutely phenomenal.

  2. Isaiah Thomas is a great point guard and one of the best players in the world; there is no denying that. It is a shame the Celtics did not fight harder before the deadline to get another prominent player. They have a solid chance to make a run for the title and if the CLippers get knocked out, the Celtics would be the team I am rooting for.

  3. I have always had the utmost respect for professional athletes who are not proportionally sound for their sport. It shows guts and undeniable determination. Isaiah Thomas reminds me of the retired hockey player and future hall of famer, Martin St. Louis, who played one of the most physical sports standing at only 5'6". Excellent presentation of an inspirational story.

  4. Size means nothing if you're putting up the numbers that he is, Overall a great athlete.

  5. Isaiah Thomas is one of the top point guards in the NBA right now. It takes courage and guts to be an athlete and being undersized and becoming one of the best players in the league. These stories are great and motivational to sport fans around the world.
