Sunday, March 5, 2017

Kim Mulkey Emotional, Regretful Over Remarks

Baylor University has found itself in the spotlight. On January 27, a lawsuit was filed against Baylor University and the Baylor football program. The lawsuit claims that 31 Baylor football players allegedly committed at least 52 acts of rape over the course of three years, starting in 2015. Apart from the football program, at least 125 Baylor students have reported being sexually assaulted during that period of time. Needless to say, Baylor University is in a lot of trouble. 

After recording her 500th career win on Saturday, Baylor Women's Basketball coach Kim Mulkey stood in front of her home crowd at the Ferrell Center and responded to the controversy surrounding Baylor. After praising the University, Mulkey said, "If somebody is around you and they ever say ‘I will never send my daughter to Baylor,’ you knock them right in the face." 

At first, Mulkey stood by her comments showing no regret in the post-game press conference; however, days later she expressed her remorse over her words. On Monday February 27, Mulkey spoke in a press conference. Check out her apology below. 

In my opinion, I feel like Mulkey did not intend for her words to be taken in a negative, harsh manner. While I believe she should've used a better choice of words, Mulkey was not disregarding all of the alleged rape/sexual assault victims. She knows very bad things have happened at Baylor, but she continues to show her loyalty to the university through this difficult time. I just think her words were very insensitive to the situation. 

I feel like Mulkey did the right thing by addressing the media and apologizing for her remarks regarding the victims. It is not an easy thing to stand up in front of the media (aka the whole world) and admit what she said was wrong... but she did. For that, I feel like it has to count for something. Her controversial words have already sparked a raging fire in so many. It will be interesting to see if she receives any more backlash from this incident. 


1 comment:

  1. You can tell in her apology, she takes the time to decide what she wants to say. I agree with you, I think she just wanted to stay loyal to Baylor and defend the university, but she spoke out of immediate emotion and didn't think about it.
